


剧情大纲 / Synopsis
A man lived in Manchuria escaped to his hometown after committing murder and continued his crimes in his hometown. Meanwhile,his wife who had once suffered a lot from his abuse also hurried to hometown to meet him and hoped to discourage him, but only put on another sadomasochism.
导演的话 / Director’s statement about the film
This is a movie focuses on freedom. It doesn’t preach poetic goodliness falsely. I hope relationships and events causalities in the story could be based on an unimaginable freedom, which is also my attitude to another sort of life.

满洲里来的人在线观看免费、手机在线播放mp4下载和迅雷下载地址,可用爱奇艺、优酷网、腾讯视频、百度云盘、百度网盘、满洲里来的人百度云资源和QVOD快播、吉吉影音、满洲里来的人西瓜影音等播放器免费在线观看完整版720p 1080p、BD超清版、HD高清版、中文版、国语版、粤语版、中字英语版以及蓝光bt种子下载。在哪里可以看未删减版、哪里能看到高清完整版,什么时候上映播出,请关注影视沙龙,本站第一时间为您更新!2015-12-15 10:51:51